More from UN DESA - September 2023
SDG action - front and center at UNGA high-level week
Heads of State and Governments from all over the globe will be convening in New York, at the United Nations Headquarters this September for the SDG Summit, marking a new chapter in the international progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
ActNow SDG Summit Challenge – 100K Actions for the Goals!
In the lead up to the 2023 UN SDG Summit in September, we call on everyone to take actions towards a more sustainable future for all. The 17 SDGs can improve life for all of us. From cleaner air, safer cities, to equality, these issues matter to everyone.
Scaling up energy action
A number of events under the umbrella of the SDG7 Action Forum 2023 are taking place during 16-25 September around New York City to help drive momentum on key Energy Compacts, including those promoting no new coal, 24/7 carbon-free energy, electrification of health clinics in energy-poor countries, clean cooking technologies, sustainable water and energy solutions and other important initiatives.